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St Mary's Church of England First School

Statutory Information

To comply with the legislation, all academies must publish specific information on their websites as outlined by the Department for Education.

To make this content easier to find, we have compiled a list of links to all our statutory information. 

It is our core aim that all pupils will achieve their potential, learning every day, so they may have choices in and about their future. We believe that each and every child should have the same opportunities, regardless of background or life experience.

We are committed to raising standards of achievement and attainment for our pupils. We understand that this is an issue of equal opportunities and that, as a consequence of this, staff should have appropriately high expectations.

Our focus for school development is:

  • Curriculum: progression of skills, knowledge organisers and quality first teaching.
  • Leadership: curriculum leaders and their subjects, Local Schools Committees and wellbeing.
  • Attendance: getting everyone here, ensuring equitable experiences.
  • Inclusion: reading, diversity and behaviour.

We have threads that run through all of these areas, linked to:

  • Reading
  • Wellbeing
  • Quality teaching and learning
  • Inclusion and equity
  • Skills progression

All information on our website is available in hard copy by request from the school office.

Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the school. If you have any questions in this regard, please do contact them on the information below:

Data Protection Officer: Tracy Broadbent


Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) inspects all state schools in England at least every three years. After the inspection is done, Ofsted publishes a report which is available to the public. When assessing a school, Ofsted inspectors consider:

  • The school’s assessment of its own performance
  • Performance data
  • Pupils’ work
  • Lesson observations
  • Input from parents
  • Discussions with pupils and staff

Performance Tables

Please click on the link to see performance measures relating to our school.

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. The funding is to be spent on low-income families, looked after children and those from families in the armed forces. At the moment, the government defines a low income family as one where a child qualifies for free school meals. (FSM)

“Schools, head teachers and teachers will decide how to use the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils.” Source Department of Education website.

Free School Meals

If your child qualifies for free school meals, not only will they receive a healthy meal on every school day, they’ll also get access to free holiday clubs and extra money for their school towards more teachers and activities. Find out if you qualify in the following two ways:

  1.  Click here to complete our confidential online checker.
  2.  Telephone Dorset County Council on 01305 221090 

Pupil Premium

If your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2, and you receive qualifying benefits, you could get extra money for your school. Find out if you qualify in the following two ways:

  1. Click here to apply for the Pupil Premium online.
  2. Telephone Dorset County Council on 01305 221090 

Statement of Intent

  • Initio’s vision: Enabling everyone to flourish in our communities and beyond.
  • St Mary’s vision: Be the best that you can be. Shine God's love for all to see.
  • Our ultimate objective: for all pupils to flourish and be the best that they can be, no matter their background. 

How our pupil premium strategy guides us towards achieving this:

  • We thoroughly assess pupils’ needs.
  • We use evidence-based approaches to decide how to meet their needs.
  • We plan, evaluate and review our strategy regularly.
  • We plan, deliver and continually monitor activities guided by our strategy.
  • We evaluate our strategy and work hard to sustain its legacy. 

The key principles of our strategy

Through rigorous tracking, careful planning and targeted support, we strive to remove the soft bigotry of low expectations and raise lifelong aspirations so that our children are provided with access and opportunities to enjoy academic success.

Click here to access our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-27

Click here to access Free School Meals information

Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)

What is SEN?

Some children find learning more challenging than others and may need extra support to achieve their full potential. For example, they might have difficulty with:

  • Expressing themselves
  • Interacting with others
  • Reading, writing and maths
  • Following instructions
  • Controlling their emotions
  • Sensory or physical mobility.

These difficulties can be barriers to learning. Schools assess all children to identify their strengths and needs and how they can best be supported. Children who need extra help with their learning may receive additional support under one of the following categories: 

  • SEN support 
  • An EHC plan

What is SEN support?

SEN support describes the additional help that assists children to access the curriculum. This might include:

  • Additional support in the classroom
  • Additional equipment to access the curriculum
  • Small group learning
  • Support from specialists such as speech and language therapists.

Schools will work with parents when agreeing what support to provide and what they will achieve.

What are EHC plans?

If your child has more complex needs, it might be necessary to  ask for an assessment  for an EHC plan. 

How will the school decide what type of support my child receives?

Every child’s needs are different, and may change over time. The school should assess each child’s needs closely to identify which support suits him/her best. The school should also regularly review the support your child receives to see what is working and what isn’t, and incorporate your views on this too.

How do I know if my child needs SEN support?

If your child is not making expected progress for his/her year group, he/she may need SEN support. The school should discuss your child’s needs with you before placing your child on SEN support.

What if I think my child needs further support?

Please speak to Miss Thornicroft (SENDCo), if you have any queries regarding further support for your child or click the links below for more information:

Sports Premium

What is the Sports Premium?

The government is providing funding to provide new and substantial primary school sports funding. The funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary schools to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. Schools have to spend sports funding on improving their provision of PE and sport. However, they have the freedom to choose how they do this. Possible uses of the funding include:

  • Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport.
  • Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport.
  • Running sports competitions, or increasing participation in school games.
  • Buying quality assured professional development modules or equipment for PE/sport.
  • Providing places for pupils in after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs.

Click here to access our 2022-23 PE Impact Report