School Policies
Please click the documents below to read our current policies.
- Accessibility Plan 2021-24
- Admissions 2024-25
- Anti-Bullying
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment - Employees
- Child on Child Abuse
- Code of Conduct - Employees
- Complaints
- Data Protection
- Draft Policy - Behaviour
- Ensuring a good education for children who can attend school because of health needs
- Equality Act Statement 2024-27
- Equality and Diversity
- Exclusion
- Freedom of Information and Publication Scheme
- Health and Safety
- ICT Responsible Use
- Initio Statement of Intent - Safeguarding
- Online Safety
- Privacy Notice for Job Applicants
- Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents
- Privacy Notice for Staff
- Privacy Notice for Visitors and Contractors
- Privacy Notice for Volunteers including those in Governance
- Relationships Education
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Safeguarding Supervision
- School Uniform
- Separated Parents
- Special Educational Needs and Disability
- Whistleblowing - Employees
- Youth Involved Sexual Imagery