Useful Links
Dorset Council’s Educational Psychology Service
If you live in the Dorset Council area and are concerned about how your child is managing, and you need someone to talk to, you can contact Dorset Council’s Educational Psychology Service.
The helpline number is 01258 474036 and is open from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4.45pm. Callers need to ring and make an appointment for a 30-minute phone consultation.
Clicking each of the links below takes you to an external website:
- Daily Dragonfly: A website supporting mental health
- The Balanced System: a speech, language and communication pathway
- Dorset Family Information Service
- Dorset Family Information Service Newsletter
- Public Health England: Every Mind Matters from the NHS
- Dorset SENDIASS: Dorset Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service.
- Keeping your Child Safe in Sport from the NSPCC
- Managing Infectious Diseases from the NHS